Her VUE blog features inspiring women who share similar core values of staying true to themselves, as well as making conscious choices, from purchasing to creating and living as a whole. We are thrilled to have our friend Katrina Sellers sharing her vue.
Katrina Sellers launched Jules & Vetiver Fine Fragrance in 2018, to share her love of perfume by focusing on transparency, education, and approachability. Prior to founding Jules & Vetiver, Katrina’s career was in B2B marketing and project management, working for management consulting and financial services firms. Originally from New York/New Jersey, she attended Pace University for her Bachelors degree and completed her MBA at Fordham University. She loves travel, carbs, and nerding out about perfume stuff with anyone who will listen.

Image credit: Carrie Allen LLC
Please introduce yourself and tell us more about what you do and your business?
I’m the Founder and Head Perfumer of Jules & Vetiver, an indie fine fragrance company. Our scents are designed for people who are fascinated by perfume but hate the traditional perfume buying experience. Our scents are mixed fresh, in small batches, to prolong their quality and longevity, and our formulas are 100% based on direct client feedback.That’s always been part of our mission, because we believe direct engagement with clients our clients is what allows us to offer a hands-on, highly personalized, luxurious alternative to typical off-the-shelf beauty brands. In short, we’re here to modernize the world of fine fragrance to make it more transparent, individualistic, and approachable. And fun. Can’t forget the fun.

Image credit: Carrie Allen LLC
What’s your Vue? Tell us about your personality and 3 things that really define who you are as a person.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to realize that some aspects of our personalities evolve over time. So, I’m not sure I’d answer this question the same way I would have a decade ago! Experiences and time shift who we are, and I think it’s important to remember that. But I’d say that I’m someone who loves delighting other people. It’s one of the main reasons I started this brand...I wanted a chance to create things that made people feel. I know that sounds weird, but isn’t it a great honor to craft something that can elicit an immediate emotion in someone? Creative pursuits can have that kind of influence, and so I consider it a huge honor to make things for other people. Delighting people is sort of at the core of what makes me tick. That’s definitely something I don’t think I knew about myself ten years ago!
I also love making people laugh. I’ve been a joker probably my whole life. When I first launched my brand, I remember being really preoccupied with maintaining a rigid, professional tone. I think I was really concerned with being taken seriously as a fledgling brand. But, over time, I’ve realized that the brand can, and should, be a reflection of its founder. And I think customers appreciate personality, and they like brands that don’t feel like generic monoliths whose websites/social media/emails all sound like they were written by a machine. Over time, I’ve let my sense of humor creep into the brand identity more. And honestly, why not? Life’s short, let’s have some fun. Even fine fragrance can be fun...I want to prove that luxury doesn’t mean being uptight.
I really value hard work. I know we all need downtime to recharge, but I tend to feel guilty when I’m lazy! But when you’re a business owner, spouse, and parent, there always seems to be stuff to do. Over time, I’ve learned that working smarter, not just working harder, makes the best use of my limited time. You have to be a little ruthless with how you prioritize what you work on. I’m not always good at it, but I’ve gotten a lot better. Even a good work ethic needs a strategy behind it. There’s a big difference between digging with your bare hands and using an excavator. I try to be an excavator. (Oh, fourth personality trait: I am a relentless analogizer. Can you tell?)

Image credit: Carrie Allen LLC
Let’s dive into your look. How would you describe your overall style?
I’m a pragmatic dresser. I tend to favor classic pieces I know won’t go out of fashion in a year or two. I believe in investing in classic outerwear, good handbags, a gorgeous silk blouse...closet staples. I think fit and finding looks that flatter your body are the easiest way to feel chic and be comfortable. Comfort is an absolute essential...there’s nothing stylish about fighting an endlessly hiking-up skirt, struggling with your heels, or adjusting your straps all night. It ruins the effect altogether. Once your clothes are on, you should forget about them. So I guess I’d say I strive for Classic and Effortless? Accessories are usually my downfall. I’ll fully admit I rarely know what I’m doing and I usually forget how much they can take an outfit up a notch! But I’m getting better.
Expressing your authenticity is at the core of VUE by SEK, how do you think you express yourself best? Is it through your work, outfits, activities, relationships etc.. or all of the above?
Everything you say, show, or do is a reflection of you. They’re all “touchpoints” of sorts. (Sorry, I know that sounds very businessy, but it’s true!) To me, authenticity is about being satisfied with myself. I ask myself sometimes, “Would “Me a Month From Now” be pleased with this?”. And that ends up being a pretty clear guideline. I tend to think of authenticity as being the same as trusting your instincts. In that way, being inauthentic can happen a lot -- letting yourself get led into doing something you didn’t want to do, not standing up for yourself or something that matters to you, not handling a situation the way you wish you had -- whatever it is, it’s important to work towards being the best versions of ourselves, the versions of ourselves that we can be satisfied with. A journey that takes a lifetime, ha!
How do you like to "waste" your time?
I’m happy to waste time...if it feels useful somehow. Even if you left me on a deserted island, I’d want to be reading a business book, or watching a history documentary, or learning how to apply wallpaper. I’m curious about so many things. But I do love sleep. I’ll sleep as much as I need to, and sleep time never feels wasted to me. I’m the best version of myself when I’m well-rested. Nothing’s really a waste if it benefits you in some way.
Thank you Katrina! You can find all of her great perfume and hand sanitizer at julesandvetiver.com and don't forget to check out her instagram @julesandvetiver
Katrina’s Picks

rhodium layered dome studs

gold may necklace
P.S. we have partnered with Jules & Vetiver for a VERY special bridesmaid bundle. Check it out below and stay tuned for our next interview on October 23 when we talk to Jen Glantz.